As the first one, take a look in the following code:
class Address { public Address(string streetName) { StreetName = streetName; } public string StreetName { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return "Address: " + StreetName; } } class Person { public Person(string name, Address address) { Name = name; _address = address; } public Address Address { get { return _address; } set { _address = value; } } public string Name { get; set;} public override string ToString() { return "Person: " + Name; } private Address _address; } using (var db = Db4oEmbedded.OpenFile(databaseFileName)) { db.Store(new Person("Adriano", new Address("You know where I live"))); db.Store(new Person("Sulivan", new Address("Monstropolis"))); db.Store(new Person("Mike", new Address("Who cares?"))); db.Store(new Address("Foo address")); IQuery q = db.Query(); q.Constrain(typeof(Person)); IQuery descendantQuery = q.Descend("_address"); foreach(var result in descendantQuery.Execute()) { Console.WriteLine(result); } }
What do you think will be the result?
Well, it will return all addresses objects that have a Person as a parent, i.e, "foo address" will not be retrieved/shown!
You can even specify constrains in both queries (getting the addresses for persons with a specific name!).
Note that this does not work for fields with value type semantics (basically any primitive value, enums [in .Net], string, etc.).
Do you have any db4o topic that, in your opinion, is commonly misunderstood and you would like to discuss? Please, let us know :)
Have fun!